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Robin's Cake Maltese

4.4 ( 1904 ratings )
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Forfatter: Libellulart

Wasal jum għeluq snin Robin u se jagħmlu “l-aqwa torta fid-dinja”.
Dur dawra madwar Eatville ma’ Robin u fittex l-aqwa ingredjenti għat-torta skont ir-riċetta tan-Nanna.
Se tiltaqa’ ma’ ħbieb ġodda li se jgħallmuk kif tagħżel l-aqwa prodotti; b’hekk għandek titgħallem kif tiekol … b’mod “konxju”!
F’Eatville, kulħadd huwa espert tal-ikel u kulħadd huwa favur il-prodotti organiċi u sostenibbli!
Dawn is-sitt kapitli li ġejjin jirrakkuntaw l-istorja tal-katina tal-ikel sostenibbli u jindirizzaw temi bħall-oriġini u l-istaġjonalità tal-frott u l-ħaxix, l-impatt ambjentali u soċjali tal-produzzjoni u d-distribuzzjoni tal-ikel u kif wieħed jista’ jagħmel għażla u xirja konxja.
Għin lil Robin isib l-ingredjenti għall-aqwa torta fid-dinja … it-tfittxija tibda hawn!

Din l-applikazzjoni ġiet prodotta mill-għaqda non-governattiva CISV fi ħdan il-proġett EAThink 2015, b’kofinanzjament mill-Unjoni Ewropea.

Its Robins birthday and theyre going to make the "best cake ever".
Go with Robin around Eatville, and look for the best ingredients to make the cake according to Grandmas recipe.
Youll meet new friends who will teach you how to choose the best products; youll thus learn how to eat …. "consciously"!
In Eatville, everyone is a food expert, and they all support organic and sustainable produce!
Six chapters that tell a short story about the sustainable food chain, tackling issues such as the origins and seasonality of fruit and vegetables, the environmental and social impact of both food production and distribution, and a conscious choice and purchase of products.
Help Robin find the ingredients for the best cake ever….may your search begin!

This application is produced by the NGO CISV within the project EAThink 2015, co-funded by the European Union.